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1 September 2014


1. He doesn't want to get hurt. This is some
scorched earth policy shit. You can't break
his heart if he breaks yours first and throws

his phone in a river and runs away and
builds a cabin in the woods with his bare
hands and the cabin doesn't even have Wi-Fi
so it's not like he can get email or anything.
This is not a sane alternative to dealing with
an impending breakup.

2. He'd rather be single. Take solace: If a
guy has to have a long, hard think about
whether to give up dating you or being able
to leave beer bottles on the coffee table for
two days, he probably wasn't boyfriend
material anyway.

3. You're more into him than he's into you.
It's no fault of your own, but this imbalance
is just awkward for some guys. You should be
with someone who thinks you're the jam

4. He doesn't see a future with you. Yes,
guys do think about the future of a
relationship. And if they don't see one, why
waste your time and theirs?

5. He doesn't think you're sexually
compatible. Some people just aren't vibin'
on each other's junk. If it's not working on a
physical level and he's not willing to try
something different, that dude's weak.

6. He just wanted any relationship. It's
possible that, even if he didn't mean to, you
got used. It might have been a rebound
relationship he needed to get over an ex, or
he was just depressed or trying to fill a life
void. It sucks, but it happens.

7. He likes you, but not that much.
Sometimes relationships start out great and
don't go anywhere. Maybe there was no
spark in the beginning, but you got along
and hoped things would get better, and they
just never did. Sadly, you were the Greg
Kinnear to his Meg Ryan.

8. He's not on your relationship
wavelength. Maybe he wanted to get more
serious and you just wanted a friends with
benefits sitch, or vice versa. Either way, it's
a classic case of wrong person, wrong time.

9. You're taking him for granted. One-sided
relationships get old really fast. No one wants
to date Queen Cersei.

10. You have different values. This one is
the ultimate dealbreaker. It's really, really
hard to reach a compromise when he finds
out he wants kids and you don't.

11. It's just you. Listen, the odds are you're
a perfectly fine human being, and even
though you can't see it now, he bailed just
because the relationship wasn't going to
work. Maybe he finds you annoying or
boring or clingy or any number of things.
Some people are just Liz Lemon/Wesley
Snipes levels of incompatible, but it takes
distance to see it.

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